Blood on the Clocktower

This page provides an overview of the Blood on the Clocktower rules

Visit the Editions section to see character roles


The Basics

Blood on the Clocktower is a deduction/detective game with a social layer and hidden-roles.

One team is good players... who don't know who each other are

They will be going up against a team of evil players led by the DEMON - and the baddies usually DO know who each other are!.

During the day, players will discuss the information they have and try to establish who is lying and potentially an evil player.

Every player has a special ability linked to their ROLE - some helpful, others.... less than helpful!

Each day, players will have the opportunity to NOMINATE and then EXECUTE one player, hoping to kill the Demon and win the game.

Then at night, the Demon will usually get to kill a player, aiming to kill off all the good players.


The good team is formed of Townsfolk (who have helpful abilities) and Outsiders (who have unhelpful abilities).

The evil team is formed of the Demon (who usually kills each night) and Minions (who help the Demon stay hidden).

Bear in mind that some good players have reasons to lie (see Empath, Undertaker, Monk, Mayor).

At the same time, bear in mind that the evil team will also be lying to cover up their true role!

Nominating and Executing

Each day, nominations will open and any player who is alive can publicly nominate a player (including themselves).

The player does not need to be alive to be nominated or executed, but there isn't often benefit to this.

The player who nominated will be given the chance to make the "case for the prosecution" - why the believe they should execute

The player who is nominated will then get the chance to make the "case for the defense" - why they should stay alive!

If more than half the living player count (rounded up) vote in favour of executing, that player is "on the block".

If less than half of the players vote in favour, the player escapes execution - and cannot be nominated again today.

The Storyteller will (usually) announce that nominations remain open and other players can nominate.

Nominations will remain open for a short time to allow players to put someone else forward.

Bear in mind that each living player can only nominate once per day (and dead players cannot nominate).

Also remember that votes can be added by dead players - they have 1 single ghost vote for the remainder of the game - use it wisely!

If another player is nominated (with a player currently "on the block") the following happens:

Executing a player will end the Day phase immediately

Player Abilities

The wording of all player abilities is very specific in its meaning.

If an ability reads "Each night*" then the * indicates "not on the first night" (which starts the game).

If an ability reads "1 of 2 players" then you will learn 2 names.

If an ability reads "a Minion" then you will a Minion Role.

If an ability reads "alive" then any dead players do not count.

If an ability reads "publicly" then must announce this when all players are present.

If an ability reads "by execution" then Demon kills and other abilities do not trigger this.

You are encouraged to ask the Storyteller about your role and ability

If you ask publicly, the Storyteller should give a "hypothetical" example if you were (not confirming or denying your role)

If you ask privately, the Storyteller will not guide you, but might advise you of some considerations before making choices

Bear in mind (depending on your play setup, e.g. in-person) you may not get the opportunity to ask during the first night, so think fast!

General Advice

Three key tips for a new GOOD player:

  1. Read the script carefully - the script will list all the possible roles
    and so give you all the information you need to work out who could be lying,
    what information other people might be getting (and when),
    or what devious abilities are being used against you?

  2. Give out your information carefully - knowing who to trust will be difficult to start
    but using cautious approaches like sharing your information with a select group could help
    to work out who betrays you, or perhaps secretly who is giving out conflicting information?

  3. You can only win by killing - the Demon obviously wants as much killing as possible
    (other than themselves) because it reduces the amount of information the good team will get
    There is a lot of useful information available by people offering to die
    (for example if they have all the information their role will get during this game)
    or by activating other abilities through nomination and execution.
    The good team cannot win if they do not execute!

And then three tips for a new EVIL player:

  1. Read the script carefully - you will have to pretend to be another role
    Try to prepare the information your "role" would get in case you want to divulge that to others
    You should also look out for roles that could be dangerous which should be eliminated first
    Be particularly cautious of players who might have information that you are evil or regularly get information

  2. Speak to your team AS SOON AS POSSIBLE - but be discreet
    As the Demon, you will (usually) get bluffs and these could be handy for your Minions too!
    Your minions might also have abilities which you could coordinate more effectively if discussed
    However, bear in mind that grouping together as the Evil team looks very suspicious, so take care!

  3. Remember that good players lie - this is often a key defense!
    For various reasons, players might not want to reveal who they are, e.g.
    It opens them up to the Demon attacking them that night
    They might be a target for Minion abilities to stop them being useful
    They want to be nominated/killed/executed at a specific time to get crucial information
    Try to lay the groundwork with a few players you "trust" and sow a little discontent elsewhere!

Poisoning and Drunkeness

Both poisoning and drunkeness have the same effect - your character role ability does not work

However, the Storyteller will withhold this information during the game

If your role gets information, you will receive information as normal... it will just be wrong

If your role is supposed to have an effect... the effect just doesn't happen

Use the information you gain to establish if you are poisoned or drunk

Bear in mind there are few ways for players to be affected in Trouble Brewing anyway (Outsider:Drunk, Minion:Poisoner)

This means that only one or two players are going to be receiving false information/failing to use effects each day

Key Info

Character Types


Player Counts

At each player count, there should be the following number of each type of character:
Players 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15+
Townsfolk 3 3 5 5 5 7 7 7 9 9 9
Outsiders 0 1 0 1 2 0 1 2 0 1 2
Minions 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 3 3 3
Demon 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1


The game has two main phases - Night and Day - which alternate until the game end.

Note that on night one, the Demon will usually NOT kill - this is just for setting up and early information gathering roles

Game End

The game ends when either:

The Demon is killed - good wins

There are two living players and one of those is the Demon - evil wins

Note that ending a day with 3 living players amounts to the same as the above - the Demon will kill a player that night and end the game

For that reason, the Storyteller may end the game immediately with an Evil team win if the Good team can no longer win

There are several other rare conditions where a game might end early, but the Storyteller will usually wrap the game up early

They will then offer the run down of which player had which actual roles/abilities and the key points from the game

